Navigate your career journey seamlessly with the iSail App. Where cutting-edge technology meets global opportunities.

Carry your career in your pocket and explore the vast sea of possibilities.

Save Time and Costs with iSail-Your Maritime Recruitment Partner

Finding the right talent in such a specialized field can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, especially when you’re up against tight deadlines and budget constraints. That’s exactly why we developed the iSail App—for professionals like you in mind, aiming to make the whole process smoother and more efficient

No Hefty Headhunter Fees

Let’s face it, headhunters can be expensive. With iSail, you get direct access to a vast pool of maritime professionals, so you can find the right candidates without paying middlemen.

Unlimited Job Postings

Need to fill multiple positions? No problem. You can post as many job openings as you like, whenever you need.

Global Talent Pool

Our platform offers a diverse selection of verified maritime professionals, so you’re not just limited to local talent. From experienced deck officers to skilled engineers, our platform connects you directly with candidates who meet your criteria.

AI-Driven Matching

Efficient AI-Driven Matching: Our AI does the heavy lifting, filtering through candidates to find the best matches for your roles. This not only saves time but also reduces the need for additional resources in sorting through applications.

Instant Notifications

You’ll get real-time updates whenever a new candidate applies or there’s a status change. No more wondering what’s going on.

Reduced Overhead

With iSail, everything is digital and centralized. Say goodbye to endless paperwork and administrative costs. All candidate info and documents are securely stored and easily accessible.

Data Security

Robust security measures ensure the safety and confidentiality of all candidate and company data.

Performance Analytics

Gain insights and reports on your recruitment performance and candidate engagement, helping you optimize your hiring strategies.

Your Personalized Maritime Job Search

User-Friendly Interface

The app is designed for easy navigation, making your job search seamless and stress-free..

Secure Document Management

Safely store and manage all your important documents, such as certificates and licenses, in one secure place.

Convenient Application Process

Safely store and manage all your important documents, such as certificates and licenses, in one secure place.

Real-Time Notifications

Receive instant alerts for new job opportunities, application status updates, and messages from recruiters.

Global Job Opportunities

Access a wide range of job openings from around the world, broadening your career prospects


Receive instant alerts for new job opportunities, application status updates, and messages from recruiters.

Community Support

Connect with other seafarers, share experiences, and get advice through the app’s community features.

24/7 Customer Support

Access dedicated support whenever you need assistance, ensuring a smooth user experience.